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Statehood Day 2020
Michigan History Center 702 W. Kalamazoo St., Lansing, MI, United States
A Day in Outlander – Scottish Themed Event
Park House Museum 214 Dalhousie St., Amherstberg, Ontario, Canada Come for a day where fact meets fiction: Hearth Cooking Demonstration (12:00-2:30)Printing Press Demonstration (11:00 - 3:00)Tinsmith Demonstration (1:00-3:00) Historic Gardens (11:00 - 4:00)Botany and Healing (11:00 - 4:00)British Soldiers (11:00 - 4:00)Costumed Staff (11:00 - 4:00)True Story of the Mackintoshes (11:00 - 4:00) A look at the Battle of Culloden (2:00pm)Storytelling (1:00pm)Afternoon Tea* …
Schoenbrunn Village Trade Faire 2019
Historic Schoenbrunn Village 1984 E. High Avenue, New Philadelphia, OH, United States
Fourth of July at Mill Race Village 2023
Mill Race Village 215 Griswold St, Northville, MI, United States